Work with us

Vacancies at Entréskolan

How nice that you are interested in working with us!

We are happy to accept both applications for positions that we are currently advertising as well as spontaneous applications while waiting for us to have a position to offer. Sometimes a vacancy appears, especially before the new academic year, and then it is good if we already have some information about you and someway to contact you.


We are primarily looking for qualified teachers and preferably with several subject combinations, but also have the door open for you who have experience as a teacher but may not yet be completely finished with your studies but still feel that the teaching profession is the profession for you and you are ready to set up a plan to reach eligibility.

At Entréskolan, we see the teacher as the most important resource for our students' learning. We are looking for someone who has previous experience of working with young people in primary school. Entréskolan's aesthetic work permeates the entire school year and as staff at Entréskolan, everyone is involved and helps with various aesthetic events such as performances, final products, open houses, etc. In addition to the aesthetic work, the school year is divided into subject-integrated work areas where the teaching is planned together by the teachers around a group of students. As a teacher at Entréskolan, it is therefore important that you enjoy a role where collaboration is a central part. As a person, you thrive in an assignment where you have a great deal of personal responsibility and are given room to take many of your own initiatives, but can also listen in and collaborate with others. You are creative and like to come up with new ideas and approaches. A large part of the work takes place with digital tools. A plus is if you have an interest or experience in some form of aesthetic expression.

We are looking for you as:

- is interested in working subject-integrated and with different aesthetic forms of expression
- has computer skills and willingness/experience to work with the computer as a tool in the pedagogical work
- has a positive view of all students' ability to succeed
- has great commitment and is driven and proactive
- has great ability to communicate with students and parents in a solution-focused way.


You have relevant education and experience. Great importance is placed on personal suitability and willingness to work with subject integration in active learning with the computer as a pedagogical tool.

Salary, remuneration and benefits

Collective agreement - between Almega and the unions Lärarförbundet, Lärarnas riksförbund, Kommunal and Unionen.
Occupational pension (ITP agreement) TGL,
Service group life insurance
Safety insurance, TFA,
The conversion agreement SAF-PTK
Health care allowance

Degree of service can be discussed based on personal interest and subject combination. Probationary employment is applied in the first semester.

Other staff

At Entréskolan, we of course not only have teachers but also other services that are an important part of the school. Staff in school management, student health, study and vocational guidance (SYV), meals, property, resource teachers, etc.

We are primarily looking for you who have adequate education for the position you are interested in and preferably in combination with other skills needed in the school.

At Entréskolan, all staff are an important part of the students' learning and with us, our students are everyone's responsibility regardless of what they work with. We are looking for someone who has previous experience of working with young people in primary school. Entréskolan's aesthetic work permeates the entire school year and as staff at Entréskolan, everyone is involved and helps with various aesthetic events such as performances, final products, open houses, etc. In addition to the aesthetic work, the academic year is divided into subject-integrated work areas where the teaching is planned together by the staff around a group of students. It is therefore important that you enjoy a role where collaboration is a central part. As a person, you thrive in an assignment where you have a great deal of personal responsibility and are given room to take many of your own initiatives, but can also listen in and collaborate with others. You are creative and like to come up with new ideas and approaches. A large part of the work takes place with digital tools. A plus is if you have an interest or experience in some form of aesthetic expression.

We are looking for you as:

- is interested in being an important person and part of our team at Entréskolan with a focus on the students' learning and development
- have computer skills and willingness/experience to work with the computer as a tool in your work
- has a positive view of all students' ability to succeed
- has great commitment and is driven and proactive
- has great ability to communicate with students and parents in a solution-focused way.


You have relevant education and experience. Great importance is placed on personal suitability and willingness to work as a team player together with us.

Salary, remuneration and benefits

Collective agreement - between Almega and the unions Lärarförbundet, Lärarnas riksförbund, Kommunal and Unionen.
Occupational pension (ITP agreement) TGL,
Service group life insurance
Safety insurance, TFA,
The conversion agreement SAF-PTK
Health care allowance

Degree of service can be discussed based on personal interest and subject combination. Probationary employment is applied for the first 6 months.

Entréskolan Enköping

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Entréskolan Eskilstuna    

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Entréskolan Stockholm    

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Entréskolan Västerås    

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Entréskolan Örebro  

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Entréskolan Uppsala - New HT25


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Vad roligt att du är intresserad av att jobba hos oss på Entréskolan i x. Vi har för närvarande inga lediga tjänster men vi tar gärna emot din spontanansökan och inom kort kanske har vi en tjänst som vi kan erbjuda dig. Skicka in ditt CV och personligt brev redan idag så kommer du med i våra rullor. Vem vet? Det kanske blir snarare än vad både du och vi tror!