Before admission to the music profile, you must take a skills test where you can try out and show your skills in the field. The skills test is structured like a lesson in music and takes place in a group together with other applicants. The skills test gives you an idea of what is expected of you within the music profile.
Once you have applied to Entréskolan's music profile, you will be called to a skills test in February. The last day for the application is February 1.
The skills test contains various elements where you as a student are scored based on how you meet the criteria. Admission is based on scores on the test and queue dates therefore do not matter. Points are assigned within the parts of the skills test that you can see below.
In order to be admitted to Entréskolan's music profile, a minimum of 2 points is required on all parts of the skills test. Maximum score for each part is 5 points.
Implementation of the skills test
The skills test is carried out in groups and is structured as a lesson in music of about 60 minutes where the student gets the opportunity to show and get to know the skills that music education contains.
The skills test is divided into four parts:
- Singing practice in a group - The student's skills in singing such as intonation, maintaining tone, following key changes and adapting the song to others are tested.
- Group rhythm practice - The student's skills in following and reproducing the music's pulse, beat, phrasing and polyrhythms are tested.
- Listening practice in a group - The student's skills in reproducing a musical melody by ear on an instrument or with the voice are tested.
- Individual singing or instrumental playing on any instrument - The student's skills to play or sing a simple melodic part with working technique and with appropriate character are tested.
Points tested in the skills test
- Singing technique (joint singing)
The student's skills in following pitch and adapting his voice to the whole.
- Musicality/Rhythm
Student's skills in following and reproducing different rhythms and musical melodies with timing.
- Instrumental playing technique/singing technique (solo singing)
The student's skills in playing or singing a simple melodic part with working technique and with appropriate character.